The broken financial system will weaken the transmission from monetary easing to the economy. This will make the coming slowdown last a long time. 分崩离析的金融体系将减弱货币放松对经济的传导作用,这将使得即将来临的经济放缓持续很长时间。
On a more limited, but possibly more alarming scale for this political system, the slowdown in manufacturing activity, as well as reports of dramatic falls in exports and the immediate impact it has already had on firms in Guangdong have raised the prospect of labour unrest. 从小的、但很可能对中国政治体制更具威胁的方面来说,制造业活动的放缓、以及关于出口大幅下降且已对广东境内企业产生即刻影响的消息,加大了爆发劳资纠纷的可能性。
In comments that some may see as an implicit rebuff to the Fed, he said that the dislocations in the financial system leading to an economic slowdown were ones that banks, not monetary policymakers, must correct. 他表示,金融系统中的错位问题导致了经济放缓,银行必须对此进行矫正,这不是货币政策制定者的工作。一些人可能会将他的此番言论看成是一次针对美联储的含蓄批评。
The extra funds injected into the system are adding to the already loose monetary policy introduced late last year to counter the global slowdown. 注入体系的这些额外资金,放大了去年末为抵御全球减速而出台的宽松货币政策。
Basel II norms should be reframed to suit the present conditions prevailing in the banking system with present context of global slowdown, Kohli opined. 在目前这个大背景下,巴塞尔准则II应该被重新定义,以适应目前的环境。
Discussed braking problem while electric propulsion system slowdown and shut down. 探讨了电力推进系统减速和停车时的制动问题。
Make use of standard of China army, the paper has validated simulation instance of engine speed system by simulation data ( steady engine speed, speedup engine speed, slowdown engine speed) of A/ D conversion. 依据有关飞行模拟器验证的国家军用标准,利用A/D转换卡采集到的发动机转速系统转速的仿真数据(稳态转速、加速转速和减速转速),对发动机转速系统的仿真情况进行了验证。
The reduced extent of official system and the slowdown of the construction of rational system has a great impact on actors, which increases the cost of their operation yet decreases the possibility of achieving their objectives. 正式制度理性化的降低、理性化制度建设的进程受阻又深深地影响到行动者的处境,使他们行动的成本增加,而实现行动目标的可能性却降低。